solar panels and photovoltaic

 Solar Panels and Photovoltaic

While solar panels and cells are often used interchangeably, they are two very different parts of your solar PV system . Read on to find out the difference between the two and how to use the terms correctly.         

The Role of photovoltaic panels.

To get started, we will first look at the role of solar cells in your solar PV system. Your solar cells generate electricity through the photoelectric panels effect, where sunlight creates electricity in certain materials by knocking out their outer electrons.

The top semiconductor is a negative layer because the atoms in the material contain excess electrons that carry a negative charge. In contrast, the bottom semiconductor is a positive layer because there are no electrons in the atoms of the material.     

When sunlight hits the upper semiconductor, free electrons are excited, repelled, and then attracted to the positive layer below it. A barrier forms between the two layers as the conductors on both layers force electrons to move through the cell, creating an electric current.

The conductors then push this current out of the cell into an electrical load, which traps the energy produced by your photovoltaic cell. The electrons eventually end up in the cell again and the process repeats.

The role of solar panels

Since photovoltaic cells generate only a limited amount of energy, multiple cells combine to create a solar panel.

In addition, by sealing multiple cells, your panel acts as a protective sheath for the cells in which they are located. This means your solar cells are less prone to damage from external factors, including harsh weather conditions such as hail .

The DC power generated by your solar panels is then sent to your central inverter (or micro-inverter, depending on your system setup) where it is converted into AC power that your home and appliances can use.

The number of cells in your panel will depend on the specific brand and size you choose, although 60 and 72 cells per panel are common.

Another term you may have come across, photovoltaic array, is simply used to describe a system made up of multiple photovoltaic panels. Are you want to check the Best Solar Panel Price. 

Photovoltaic panels system as a whole


As you can see, PV cells and panels are integral, tightly connected parts of your solar PV system. Photovoltaic cells are the main component of a solar panel, and solar panels are a vital component of the solar system.

While a single photovoltaic cell is capable of converting sunlight into electricity on its own, a panel is needed to combine and channel the output of multiple cells to your inverter and home.

 For more information on quality solar panels or a customized solar panel proposal for your home,  

* This is one of the many reasons it is so important to invest in a quality  solar energy in colombia . If substandard plastics are used, or if the manufacturing process is done with substandard equipment or by hand, a process called delamination can occur.


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